Monday, May 01, 2006

First of May

When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,we used to love while others used to play.Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,someone else moved in from far away.
Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,and you don't ask the time of day.But you and I, our love will never die,but guess who'll cry come first of May.
The apple tree that grew for you and me,I watched the apples falling one by one.And as I recall the moment of them all,the day I kissed your cheek and you were gone.
Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,and you don't ask the time of day.But you and I, our love will never die,but guess who'll cry come first of May.
When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,do do do do do do do do do ...Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,someone else moved in from far away. - Play


那時開始 First of May 是屬於我們?

我們家的距離很接近, 而認識後第一次真正的對話, 是在回家的巴士上, 那天是中秋節的晚上, 依稀記得對話內容大概是討論 "點解我地唔通得頂" 問題, 不知道是因為大家住得太近, 還是大家真的那麼投緣, 我們很快便要好起來。

由那時開始, 我們每晚也會到 "G仔天地" 小聚。 ( 這個"娘爆"名是我改的 )
它是商場天台裡的某個角落。 讀書時, 我們已經吸煙 ( 是個壞學生 :p ), 為了吸煙, 我們每晚也流出來。 說話從保留到互相信任, 生活上的一點一滴, 上學的苦與樂和朋友中的是與非, 都跟煙圈一同吹出空氣中。 我們最愛坐在鐵欄杆上聊, 而她會穿著一雙木拖鞋, "kong kong" 聲的邊說邊拷著鐵欄。 有時候, 大家說到沒有話題了, 就會開始唱歌。 我們甚麼歌也會唱一番, 兒歌, 情歌, 英文歌甚至莫華倫的歌也會唱。 我想 First of May 應該是在那時候出現。

算一算, 我們已經認識超過十五年了, 雖然我已經搬了家, 雖然她經過去美回港, 雖然我們已經不再吸煙, 雖然大家心境也老了, 但那段記憶和屬於我們的歌是不會變的。


Believe it or not, I think about u every first of May. If fact, I was going to sent u a SMS say today is our day, when the last first of May... but I knew that u were camping. Never mind, you read my mind, don't you?

>Believe it or not, I think about u every first of May

我夠係每年o既 First of May 都諗起妳啦^_^

不過, 我冇收過你o既SMS喎!