Friday, February 03, 2006


有些不幸的事情可以發生得很近, 今早回到公司打公司的EMAIL看見 [FW: TRAGIC DEATH OF *** EMPLOYEE] 個心已下沉了下去.....

Dear all,

It is with deep sorrow that I inform you the loss of a close friend and trusted colleague. Glaucous, his wife and son were killed in a traffic accident during their holiday in Egypt. His daughter survived in the accident and the company has made arrangement to fly her back to Hong Kong as soon as possible.

Glaucous worked very hard to build highly successful operations in China. He set clear and achievable objectives for his subordinates. He empowered and cared about his people. We all enjoyed working with him, a well respected individual. We will always remember his great personality and the positive attitude on problem solving. To him, impossible is nothing.

The company is doing everything we can to help his family in this most tragic and difficult situation. We will provide information on services as soon as we know.

願天爸的愛與憐憫臨到每個受傷的家裡, 叫哀傷與痛苦的得醫治, 求爸神親自去安慰每個傷痛的心靈. 奉主耶穌基督得勝名字祈求, 阿們.
