Friday, July 22, 2005


越來越覺得同媽咪好難溝通, 自從佢上網開始就越來越差. 關我地o既信仰唔同既問題? 我成日都覺得最好就唔好同佢講野,一同佢講野你要有心理準備佢d態度會好差; 唔答你, 好似你從來都冇講過任何野o甘, 到你再叫佢個時, 佢就好唔想答你o甘 "咩事呀", "點呀" ,"唔知呀", "你好煩呀". 有時向外面唔開心(見到人情冷暖), 諗住返到屋企會有d溫暖, 但係事與願違........有時都諗自己係唔係真係o甘煩. 記得細個時走向佢地後面(爸爸,媽咪同家姐), 會諗如果佢地冇左我係唔係會比較好呢? 佢地係唔係會開心d呢?..........究竟我做錯d乜會令佢o甘唔想同我講野? 我有試過忍, 叫自己做一個好見證, 但真係做唔到.........都會發返佢悔氣~




As you know, I had written my own diary before, when I was still living at USA. Since I moved back, seems like I have no time to do anyother thing besides making money for my life. It sucks! That's the biggest different between here and there. To be honest, I wouold like to live at USA more then here, in H.k.. Well... but, now, I think that I have no choice. Anyway, thanks to let me have a chance to read your diary. I will keep reading it whenever I have time. ^_^ I'm so tired... gotta go sleep. zzZ